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Filtering by Tag: Architecture

Imagining Gaza Without Borders and Without War


Article by Deen Sharp

in CURBED Magazine

The full article can be read here.

Michael Sorkin and Andrei Vovk, architect partner at the time, discussing their plan for Jerusalem at the “Next Jerusalem” conference in Bellagio, Italy, 1999 . Photo: Courtesy of Joan Copjec.

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CCNY Spitzer School Announces Opening of the Sorkin Reading Room


The Spitzer School will celebrate the opening of the Sorkin Reading Room, dedicated to its namesake, Michael Sorkin, on Thursday, December 1st.

The reading room will be used by researchers interested in Michael Sorkin’s criticism, pedagogy, and design practice. The room is designed by Michael’s colleague Professor Elisabetta Terragni

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image credit: Nilda Sanchez-Rodriguez