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“Making Connections with Julie Mehretu” - Deen Sharp


“Making Connections with Julie Mehretu” - Deen Sharp

Hilary Huckins-Weidner

Terreform Co-director and AKPIA@MIT Post-Doc Fellow Deen Sharp was in discussion with artist Julie Mehretu as part of a panel organized by the Aga Khan Program at MIT.

Panelists included:
Julie Mehretu, New York based artist
Miriam Cooke, Professor Emerita, Duke University
Asma Naeem, Curator, The Baltimore Museum of Art
Nasser Rabbat, Director, AKPIA@MIT
Deen Sharp, AKPIA@MIT Post-Doctoral Fellow

Early on in the process of putting together Beyond the Square, Deen had approached Julie Mehretu about including her work on Egypt–specifically, Mogamma (A Painting in Four Parts) (2012) and Cairo (2013). Asking her felt like a long shot so we were both over the moon when she agreed to be involved. (Co-editor Claire Panetta in Jadaliyya).

Beyond The Square: Urbanism and the Arab Uprising (Urban Research 05) Edited by Deen Sharp and Claire Panetta. With contributions from Khaled Adham; Susana Galán; Azam Khatam; C. Lanthier; Ed McAllister; Julie Mehretu; G. Ollamh; Duygu Parmaksizoglu; Aseel Sawalha; Helga Tawil-Souri. Cover art courtesy of Julie Mehretu, Marian Goodman Gallery. Cover design by Isaac Gertman / The Independent Group.