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New York, NY, 10014


"The Calumet Collaborations" at SAIC


"The Calumet Collaborations" at SAIC

Hilary Huckins-Weidner

The Calumet Collaborations: Making Many Little Plans is a collective project of a group of architectural schools to investigate an enormous swath of de-industrialized land on the South Side of Chicago, with a supporting ecology that spans state boundaries from Illinois to Michigan. The project includes participants from the City College of New York, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), SAIC, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Harvard University. Using an inductive strategy based on the design of a series of highly-sustainable neighborhoods and founded on a rigorous investigation of existing environments, economies, ecologies, and social networks, the objective is to design a series of interventions—at a wide range of scales and operations—that can lead to futures for an area in search of dramatic transition. Our aim is not simply to produce a series of plans but to invent new styles for cooperative design and a vision for the region.

Panelists: Lee Bey, Brad Hunt, Roberta Feldman, Phil Enquist, Martin Felsen
Moderated by Michael Sorkin

Monday, January 26, 10:30 p.m.–Tuesday, January 27, 1:00 a.m.
School of the Art Institute Chicago
The LeRoy Neiman Center, Sharp Building
37 S. Wabash Ave., 1st floor
Chicago, IL

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